27. Climax

The wrap-up episode!

After 26 in-depth analyses, this final chapter of Get Your Creek on runs through the final five episodes of JC and explains why they aren’t being covered.

Indulge my selfish attempt at ranking the top five episodes, and find out more about the soundtrack to the podcast.

Forget all previous suggestions of donating to the pod and fling some cash to one or both of these fabulous charities instead.



Get Your Creek On can be found on all good podcast platforms (and some crappy ones too), including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Audible and Amazon Music. Episodes can also be located on YouTube, or you can listen to them on the website: https://www.getyourcreekon.co.uk/

Contact the show by email: getyourcreekon@gmail.com

Twitter: @creekget


26. The Judas Tree